Hidden door to where?

IMG_5508At the end of a short passage in the middle of the Alhambra I found this half-hidden door. I have no idea where it could be leading too and as it was impossible to go back and try to find a way around the building, I suppose I will never know. But it was a nice corner all the same.

My contribution to Norm’s Thursday Doors in his absence kindly hosted by Joey.

11 thoughts on “Hidden door to where?

    • Yes, intriguing, isn’t it? In the 19th century Washington Irving wrote the Tales of the Alhambra. I have not read them (yet), but maybe his imagination spun a history or two around this door.


  1. When we were there I wasn’t interested in photography yet, so we must have happlily passed by this one. Intriguing! Love the print one the wall above it and the tiles on left of right leading up to it. Wonder what the bowl on the floor is for:):)

    Liked by 1 person

    • Yes, the tiles and the stucco are wonderful. About the bowl, I’m afraid it has some rather prosaic use. I had been wondering too and thought up the most fantastic reasons for its being there. Till one of the guards told me it was for the waste of the many visitors, hoping they would throw there candy wrappings, chewing gum and the like in there. I was rather disappointed, but had to confess that they had found a stylish solution for this problem that perfectly fitted the charms of the building, better than some ugly bin.


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