Portrait in red


Last September I started doing a photo course called Surprising Photo Workshops. And surprising they surely are. Five photographers give three lessons each inspired by their daily practice, preferences and/or creativity.

In the last one we experimented with colored lights and ‘freezing’ jumping people in the middle of the central square of Breda (Netherlands). The next Saturday it was my turn, but it was sleeting and neither of us wanted to go and take photos outdoors. So we stayed inside the building where I could experiment with the same lights.

I wanted to do a portrait and one of the fellow students was prepared to pose. As it is a photo course, I thought it would be fun to capture her with her camera. After some twenty shots I got some that I was satisfied with. Here you see one of the photos. Please let me know what you think of this portrait.

2 thoughts on “Portrait in red

    • Dank je, Edward. Eigenlijk maak ik gewoonlijk niet dit soort foto’s, maar het leuke van een fotocursus is dat je grenzen verlegt en experimenteert. Dit is een mooie opstap voor een project waarover ik zit na te denken: foto’s van mensen in mijn buurt voor hun eigen huis. Duurt nog wel even voordat ik dat aandurf.


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